To develop a marketing strategy, you need to clearly define the goal. Then the way to reach the goal is described. You determine the target group. Then the message is formulated that should reach the addressee.
How to develop marketing strategy for towing company
Determine the goal
In order to be able to develop a marketing strategy, companies first need a goal – and a realistic one at that.
A realistic goal for the marketing strategy could be: In a year your industrial customers should know that you now also offer services in the IT area.
How marketing budget and marketing goal are related
The available marketing budget has a direct effect on the marketing measures and thus on the achievable goal. With a budget of 1,000 dollars, for example, it is not possible to realize national advertisements or radio and television spots. This constraint also affects the achievable goal.
On the other hand, you can use social media platforms if you want to advertise your Towing Company San Jose. Put the link to your website and people will learn the services you provide.
Select target group
The financial and human resources of every company are limited. The central question is therefore: What can you do with the available resources? It is therefore important to use scarce resources correctly. Which subgroups of potential customers should the marketing activities be focused on? This is where the greatest chances of success are.
Tailor marketing messages to customer needs
Marketing messages can be very different depending on the company or industry. A towing company, for example, will use different messages than a sports car manufacturer or a PC service provider.
Marketing messages are so different because customers’ needs are different, even if they buy the same product. Some pay attention primarily to the price, others to the properties of the product. This is the case with almost all products regardless of whether they are consumer goods or complex capital goods.
Select marketing tools
Once you have formulated the marketing message, it must be conveyed to the target group. Now it’s time to select the marketing tools. These must be combined in such a way that the marketing goal is achieved. This requires knowledge of what can and cannot be achieved with the individual marketing tools.