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Marketing Finance

Marketing Blockchain Projects Tips

Marketing has traditionally been a weakness of many tech start-ups, especially in the early years. The reasons for this are different and varied. Many start-up companies are run by young and inexperienced managers or project managers. They have a strong sense of the product or development. They usually don’t understand or appreciate the value and […]

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Marketing & Finance: A Perfect Match for Business Success

Marketing and finance are two vital functions in any business. They are intertwined, and both contribute to the overall success of a company. Marketing generates revenue by attracting customers and creating brand awareness, while finance manages the money generated by these efforts. When these two functions work together, the results can be outstanding.  Marketing’s Role […]

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Digital Marketing And SEO Service

Marketing is primarily using tactics or techniques designed to reach a target audience with the intention to advertise, promote, offer, or sell. In the business world, marketing is used to promote a brand, offer a product, or provide a service either to a specific audience or to the general population. Marketing is then fundamental to any […]

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In the world of marketing, documentation is what puts you in front of prospective customers and investors alike. While most of the marketing could be speculative and asynchronous, documentation is what remained predictable and reliable.

Why there should be Proper Documentation?

If you want to further improve communication with regards to what benefits and features your products and/or service has to offer, then it only makes sense to incorporate documentation to your marketing efforts.

What’s unfortunate is that, most marketers do disregard or unintentionally forget this step. This is despite of the minimal work required.

On the other hand, you may be wondering how your documentation should read or look like? Shall it be similar to a marketing copy? Well, definitely not! Your documentation has to be credible and free from jargons as well as salesmanship in which both prospects and customers expect from marketing campaigns.

What you have to ensure though is that your documentation is easy to understand and at the same time, demonstrate how your company grasp the market and its target audience too.

Documentation and SEO

When working on documentation for your Search Engine Optimization, it has to the following criteria:

  1. Expertly structured
  2. Keyword rich and;
  3. Densely linked

Above everything else, it does not have red flags to which other contents may have.
